Seller Guidelines

All items must be in excellent condition, pre-cleaned and workable. Approval must be given before the item can be uploaded onto the website to help guarantee that the items meet the standard requirements. In order to maintain the “look” of HOMEWHERE, all images must be on a transparent background. Below is a link to help you do this or HOMEWHERE is happy to create the image for you and send back to upload. Please note that delivery is charged by the seller, if it is a large piece of furniture you want to contact the buyer directly. For International Sales, tax and duty may be charged. HOMEWHERE does not charge to list items but a standard 10% will be charged on all total sales.

Make your image transparent:

There is a commission charged 15% from all sales and paid for by the seller. Once the buyer has made a payment, the commission will be deducted before the payment to the seller. This is will be done by PayPal. The buyer payment is held until the seller proves shipment then payment will be released.